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Haddonfield Masonic Temple Building Fund

If you wish to support our efforts to keep Downtown Haddonfield beautiful and continue serving the community, please consider a donation to our building fund.

Haddonfield Masonic Temple, built in 1921, has graced Haddonfield, New Jersey’s downtown historic business district for over 100 years. But owing to a quirk in how the historic district was defined, this beautiful Greek Revival monument, located at 16 Kings Highway East, fails to qualify for historic landmark status. The building is entirely maintained and supported by members of Rising Sun Lodge No. 15.


The Temple serves as a center of Masonic activity for various Masonic organizations and functions, and also serves the community through participation as a venue in many local events, providing meeting facilities for local organizations, accommodating local non-profits, and providing public facilities and rest areas during town-wide events and celebrations.


Ever-shrinking revenues and increased maintenance costs are taxing our resources and challenging Rising Sun’s ability to support one of the town’s centerpiece buildings. The ravages of time are outpacing our dedication to restoring infrastructure, renovating, and modernizing this centenarian beauty in order to meet the needs of the many groups, both public and Masonic, that share use of the Temple.


If you wish to support our efforts to keep Downtown Haddonfield beautiful and continue serving the community, please consider a donation to our building fund by clicking the Donation button below.

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© 2024 Rising Sun Lodge No.15 


16 Kings Highway East, Haddonfield, NJ 08033


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