Community Support
Rising Sun Lodge No. 15 contributes to endeavors, both Masonic and in the community, with our time, facilities, and resources, so far as our ability to give will permit.

Scholarship Program
Freemasons have always supported education. One of the fundamental goals of Freemasonry is the continuing education and enlightenment of our members and the wider community.

As part of its overall program of support for education, Rising Sun Lodge annually presents its Educator of the Year Award, consisting of an Award Plaque and Cash Honorarium, to a worthy teacher or administrator from area school districts.

Building Fund
If you wish to support our efforts to keep Downtown Haddonfield beautiful and continue serving the community, please consider a donation to our building fund to help preserve the Haddonfield Masonic Temple.

Henry D. Moore Charity Fund
Henry D. Moore was a Haddonfield resident and both a member and one of the earliest significant benefactors of the lodge. We have named our general charity fund in his honor. Click below to find out more about his fund.